Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lackawanna County
Reaching the children of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania with the GospelMission
The purpose of CEF of Lackawanna County is to reach boys and girls with the gospel by promoting and conducting home Bible classes (called Good News Clubs) for children. We also conduct Bible studies and evangelistic meetings for school children in Released-Time classes, 5-Day Clubs, and in public places where children gather, such as parks and playgrounds. We foster and carry on open-air child evangelism and visit children and parents in their homes to present the Gospel and leave literature for children.
Our organization encourages the promotion of rallies, camp programs, fair ministries and other activities to reach children with the Gospel. One of the mainstays of our ministry is to conduct Teacher Training Classes and Christian Education Conferences for children’s workers. In fulfillment of our purpose we will produce, purchase, and distribute literature on child evangelism and kindred subjects. It is our desire to cooperate with every other doctrinally-sound, Bible-believing, Christian agency working to teach the Word of God to children and to lead children to faith in Christ. After salvation, it is our goal to follow up evangelistic efforts with correspondence courses that enhance Christian growth and attempt to establish children in local Biblically sound churches.
Checks or money orders can be made out to “CEF of Lackawanna County” and mailed to:
CEF of Lackawanna County, Inc.
PO Box 402
Chinchilla, PA 18410